A few months ago, when it was still warm outside, Winona Area SHRM Marketing & PR Coordinator William Gould contacted me about the possibility of coming to Winona, Minnesota to be the keynote speaker for their annual conference on March 13th. After several assurances from William that it will likely be warm cold in Minnesota in March, I decided to unpack my parka and enthusiastically signed up to lead two workshops at the conference – where the theme will be “It’s All Social… Media, That Is”!
The two workshops I’ll be leading will include:
“Why Social Media Matters to Your Business”
We’ll address how social media is being utilized successfully by businesses of all sizes and industries for marketing products and services, connecting with customers, recruiting talent and building relationships. We’ll also discuss the importance of creating a social media strategy, preparing for potential negative interactions, tracking success and choosing which tools are right for your business.
“Using Social Media in HR & Recruiting”
In this session, we’ll cover how successful HR pros just like you are using social media to develop professionally and grow their careers – without breaking any rules. We’ll also review examples of how companies and organizations of all sizes and industries are using social media to positively impact the critical talent strategies within their organizations.
Bonus: Pre-conference complimentary webinar led by Paul DeBettignies, VP of Recruiting at HireCast Consulting and Co-Founder of the Minnesota Recruiters Association along with Josh Rock, the Minnesota SHRM State Conference Co-Director and Account Executive at JobDig Media/LinkUp.com. Paul and Josh will introduce attendees to the popular social media tools and provide hands-on instruction on the social media basics.
I’m very excited about speaking at this conference in the next few weeks and if you’ll be in or around Winona, Minnesota on March 13th, sign up to join us!
Want more details about the conference? It’s all here -> Winona SHRM Conference 2012 Flyer
Oh, I also did a shoutout video from the radioactive laboratory that is my office. What else could explain the radiant glow on my face? (Ummm, bad lighting!)
Email subscribers will need to click through to view the awesome video.