Kris Dunn and the gang at Fistful of Talent are stretching the boundaries yet again to keep the talent management dialog and content fresh for readers. The latest innovation is called Fistful of Talent TV (or FOTv for short) and it brings the faces behind the writing to the forefront! The pilot episode is up today, so check out KD, Jessica Lee and Joshua Letourneau talking about the EFCA, Social Media fools, needy candidates and Job Descriptions that suck. Here’s the scoop per Kris on the FOT Blog:
We’re still playing around with the name. The idea behind the product is that we’ve got some great contributors over at FOT, and while I love the way they write, I know they have even MORE to give. So, we stuck a camera in front of them at the same time, threw a list of topics on their lap and said…. “you’re on….GO!”
We’ve got tons of ideas to keep the format fresh, moving forward, so we’ll be experimenting a good bit in the months to come with the product. Expect to see Tolan, Hogan, Hebert, McClure, Dingee, Uranga, Pankow, Rapp and Seiden buck up in the near future as well.
So check out today’s episode, and I’ll be in the mix in the near future once I renegotiate my FOT contract with my Agent. (This move calls for a bigger trailer, a makeup artist and more Diet Coke available from Craft Services on the set.)
Also, if you haven’t already, you can check out my post that was up earlier this week on FOT – 5 (More) Must-Use Social Media Tools for HR & Recruiting Professionals, which is a follow up post to 5 Must-Use Social Media Tools for HR & Recruiting Professionals in 2009.